Improving My Business – The Small Business Challenge

Improving My Business – The Small Business Challenge
Monday, March 19th, 2012 Scott Bossart

Hello Everyone!

This is my initial launch to the Blogging world.  Over the coming weeks, once each week, I will blog about the complexities of managing a business and its related topics.  As I travel around the country and have discussions with business owners, I find in many cases the small business owner typically meets with an Accountant at month end to review whether income was higher than expenses.  Typically if it is, there can be an assumption that the business is doing well…that is until the economy or market dives, or worst case tanks.  A business is a very complex set of components that are all intertwined within each other.  I hope you will tune in to read and comment towards my perspective on the Business Management process.  My perspective certainly will not be the only one out there as it will solely depend from which angle you view the picture.

Stay Well.

Scott B.


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